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Bibliographical References

Union catalogues

Online catalogues:

(ISTC) Incunabula Short Title Catalogue. A union catalogue of world holdings of incunables, compiled from published catalogues [Available online, and in CD-ROM and microfiche versions. The Illustrated ISTC project is adding to the CD-ROM selected images of items in ISTC in digitised form. Contacts: blaiseline-helpdesk@bl.uk]

(ESTC) English Short Title Catalogue 1473-1800 [Available online and on CD-ROM; orders, editorial rights and network licence applications to: blpublications@bl.uk]

(COPAC/CURL) Consortium of University Research Libraries [The COPAC union catalogue is accessible on the internet: http://copac.ac.uk/copac/.]

Printed catalogues:

(STC) Pollard, A. W.; Redgrave, G. R.: A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland and of English books printed abroad 1475-1640. London 1926; 2nd ed., rev. and enlarged: Vol. 1: begun by W. A. Jackson and F. S. Ferguson, completed by Katharine F. Pantzer. London 1986. Vol. 2: begun by W. A. Jackson and F. S. Ferguson, completed by Katharine F. Pantzer. London 1976. Vol. 3: Indexes. London 1991

(Wing) Wing, Donald: A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and British America and of books printed in other countries 1641-1700. Vol. 1: rev. and ed. by John J. Morrison and Carolyn W. Nelson and Matthew Seccombe. 2nd ed., newly rev. and enlarged. New York 1994. Vol. 2: 2nd ed., rev. and ed. by Timothy J. Crist and others. New York 1982. Vol. 3: 2nd ed., rev. and ed. by John J. Morrison, Carolyn W. Nelson and others. New York 1988

(VD 16) Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des XVI. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart 1983 ff.

Other catalogues

Adams, H. M.: Catalogues of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries. 2 vols. Cambridge 1967

Bird, D. T.: A catalogue of sixteenth-century medical books in Edinburgh libraries. Edinburgh 1982

Cathedral libraries catalogue. Books printed before 1701 in the libraries of the Anglican cathedrals of England and Wales. By Margaret S. G. McLeod and others. Ed. and completed by Karen I. James and David J. Shaw. 2 vols. London 1984-98 (Vol. 2: books printed outside the British Isles)

Darlow, T. H.; Moule, H. F.: Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture. Vol. 2 (languages other than English). London 1911

(GW) Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. 9 Bde. Leipzig, Stuttgart 1925 ff.

Goff, F. R.: Incunabula in American Libraries. A third census. New York 1964

(H) Hain, L.: Repertorium Bibliographicum. 1826-38; repr. Milano 1948

(HC) Copinger, W. A.: Supplement to Hain's

Repertorium bibliographicum. 1895-1902; repr. Milano 1950

Johnson, A. F.; Scholderer, Victor: Short-title catalogue of books printed in the German-speaking countries and of German books printed in other countries from 1455 to 1600 now in the British Museum. London 1962

Paisey, David L.: Short-title catalogue of books

printed in the German-speaking countries and of German books printed in other countries from 1455 to 1600 now in the British Library. Supplement. London 1990

Paisey, David L.: Catalogue of books printed in the German-speaking countries and of German books printed in other countries from 1601 to 1700 now in the British Library. 5 vols. London 1994

Pegg, Michael A.: Bibliotheca Lindesiana and other collections of German sixteenth-century pamphlets in libraries of Britain and France. Baden-Baden 1977 (Bibliotheca bibliographica Aureliana 66)

Pegg, Michael A.: A catalogue of German Re-

formation pamphlets (1516-1546) in libraries of Great Britain and Ireland. Baden-Baden 1973 (Bibliotheca bibliographica Aureliana 45)

(R) Reichling, Dietrich: Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorium bibliographicum. München u.a. 1905-14

Rhodes, Dennis E.: A catalogue of the incunabula in all the libraries of Oxford University outside the Bodleian. Oxford 1992

Shaaber, M. A.: Check-list of works of British authors printed abroad, in languages other than English, to 1641. New York 1975

Directories and reference works

Directory of rare book and special collections in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. 2nd ed., ed. by B. C. Bloomfield. London: The Library Association 1997

Kent, Allen (ed.): Encyclopedia of library and information science. 35 vols. New York 1968-83

(LGB) Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens. 2., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. Hrsg. von Severin Corsten, Günther Pflug und Friedrich Adolf Schmidt-Künsemüller. Bd 1 ff. Stuttgart 1987 ff.

Wiegand, Wayne A.; Davis, Donald G., Jr. (eds.): Encyclopedia of library history. New York and London 1994

Library history of the British Isles

A history of the libraries in Britain and Ireland, the first comprehensive account of British and Irish

library history, is currently in preparation at the Cambridge University Press.

Black, Alistair: A new history of the English public library. Social and intellectual contexts, 1850-1914. London and New York: Leicester UP 1996

Casteleyn, Mary: A history of literacy and libraries in Ireland. Aldershot 1984

Kelly, Thomas: A history of public libraries in Great Britain, 1845-1975. 2nd rev. ed. London 1977

Ker, N. R.: The parochial libraries of the Church of England. London 1959 [revision forthcoming]

Library history by regions or cities


Munby, A. N. L.: Cambridge College libraries. 2nd ed. Cambridge 1962


(LARGO) Libraries and archives research guide online - London (http://pitcairn.lib.uci.edu/largo/largo/largo.html)


Morgan, Paul: Oxford libraries outside the Bodleian. Oxford 1980


Jessop, N. R.; Nudds, Christine J.: Guide to collections in Dublin libraries. Dublin 1982

Quelle: Handbuch der historischen Buchbestände in Deutschland. Digitalisiert von Günter Kükenshöner.
Hrsg. von Bernhard Fabian. Hildesheim: Olms Neue Medien 2003.